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Welcome to my website detailing my internship experience in Japan! For information about the internship and how I became interested in it, please refer to the first couple posts under the “Blog” section of my site.


As for me, I was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, home schooled through high school until gallivanting off to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the fall of 2011. I am currently in my third year at the university, fervently working towards a degree in Secondary Education with an endorsement in Spanish and a minor in Japanese. I love foreign language. Thank you, Mom, Sra. Greff and Nii-sensei, for cultivating my interest!


Both my parents are teachers. My dad has been an Industrial Technology teacher for 28 years, and my mom taught Spanish and Social Studies for five years before deciding to stay home to teach me and my younger sister. Following them, I will be a fifth generation teacher! I promise, I'm not becoming a teacher because it's "all I know." I'm doing it because it's what I love, what I'm passionate about--foreign language education.


I'm terribly nervous to be leaving the United States to go to a country whose language I barely know and whose culture I've far from experienced; however, I am beyond excited and blessed to have the chance to become part of the Japanese world for four months as well as revisit and build relationships with the people there! YAY!


Thank you to the staff and students at Senshu for this opportunity and the friendly welcome I know I will receive, and thank you to my family and friends back home for all the love and support you continuously send my way. And thank YOU for reading my blog and for YOUR support in doing so! PLEASE CONTACT ME!


Lots and lots of love,




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